D & D Consulting and Management Services specializes in complex, multi-organizational projects that require careful handling and immediate action. We function equally well at the local, provincial and national level and can respond to the needs of institutions of all sizes and stages of evolution from de novo banks to well-established credit unions.
We offer a comprehensive suite of services to our clients that range from strategic and business planning to program design and management. We have been involved at every stage of technology conversions and performance optimization, from the development of protocols at the provincial or national level to crisis management at a specific institution.
Regardless of the service we provide, our approach is always strategic, dynamic, adaptable, impartial, and results-oriented.
We identify business needs and find solutions to our clients’ business problems and opportunities. Solutions often include a systems approach and performance consulting component. Our involvement may include policy development and changes to policies, procedures and processes. Our approach includes:
We take organizations through a three-step program where we help them to:
We plan, organize, and manage resources in large-scale, multi-organization, technical projects, often at a national level. Our extensive project management experience has taught us that clients have the greatest success when we blend best practices in project management with the specific needs of each client. We specialize in collaborative efforts and always offer our clients the highest calibre of written and verbal communication, tailored for diverse audiences. We provide the following project management services:
We identify and often create business development opportunities for our clients. Our services include:
We are involved with strategic and large-scale procurement processes, helping our clients identify potential service suppliers and, in the process, build a forward-thinking, results-oriented culture within their organizations. We are specifically involved in creating the documentation–the request for information (RFI) or request for proposal (RFP)– that will allow our client to select the ‘best fit’ supplier, both in terms of service delivery and business relationship potential. We typically help identify suppliers and procurement processes that result in contracts of ten years or more.
D& D Consulting and Management Services is well-known for our expertise in the financial services sector, particularly our highly regarded work in project management and payments processing. As a result we are often asked to present at events and conferences hosted by organizations at the local, regional, provincial and national levels. Our presentations are always engaging and informative. Audiences include project and operational managers, executives, CEOs, and boards of directors.